Embracing Key Values and Key Values Indicators: How can SNS projects drive sustainable change? An interactive workshop Jointly Organised by 6G4SOCIETY and FIDAL
Event Details
- Date & Time: Friday 25th October, 10h00-12h30, Online
- What: Workshop based on interactive dialogue and active contributions from participants.
- Who: Projects working on KVIs
- Registration form: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/KviWS2024
As we are moving towards 6G, the interaction of humans with technologies is expected to bring unprecedented changes to the way people live and interact. By ensuring societal, environmental and economic sustainability are addressed from the very early development of 6G, the ambition of the SNS JU projects is to maximise benefits for individuals, communities and businesses. This requires projects to anticipate and articulate how, realistically and practically, 6G can create positive impact at several levels. Currently, projects are working with Key Value Indicators (KVIs) to do so.
The main goal of this workshop is to explore 1) how SNS projects are working with KVIs to address these positive impacts, 2) challenges and best practices in defining and implementing KVIs, and 3) what are the expected outcomes from using KVIs. The idea is to do this via interactive dialogues and active contributions from partners of ongoing SNS projects that are actively working on KVIs.
This workshop is the first in a series of workshops and webinars on 6G and Sustainability to be organised in collaboration with 6G4Society. This series will take on topics, such as:
- Building consensus on the definitions of a select set of Key Values and related indicators (e.g. inclusivity, circular economy), with external experts and vertical representatives.
- Exploring approaches to validating indicators to value in ways that build public trust.
- Considering the potential for interdependent indicators from different areas of sustainability (e.g., energy efficiency with inclusivity), with external experts.
- Working with and moving beyond trade-offs.
About this Workshop:
- Gather current approaches to identifying relevant KVIs and objectives within to build a map of how and why different projects (e.g. stream B, C, D) approach value prioritisation,
- Collect challenges in defining and implementing KVIs to assess further support needs,
- Share what works well in projects working with KVIs to collect best practices,
- Clarify the expected impacts of KVI use.
15 min: Introductory Presentations (6G4S and FIDAL)
Setting the scene. Short introduction of 6G4SOCIETY and its role as a CSA in ensuring that societal and sustainable values are embedded in the development of 6G; short overview of the experience in FIDAL in working with KVIs.
20 min: Lightning Talks on single biggest challenge and best practice so far in projects
Informal Roundtable. Each project will be given 2 minutes to share these two points as highlights.
35 min: Interactive Session 1: Current approaches and challenges
Representatives from SNS projects will work in small breakout groups via collaborative activities to share approaches and challenges with the goal of aligning on the main priorities to produce a view of what has been working well and where more work is needed.
5 min: Break
35 min: Interactive Session 2: What works well and KVI impact
Continuing in small breakout groups, projects will share what has worked well and collect projects’ understanding of the scope and scale of KVI impact, seeking to build agreement about how KVIs can be used in the future.
30 min: Sharing Results from Breakout Session in Plenary
10 min: Wrap Up and Conclusion
For each active session, participants will be allocated to a small breakout group. Each group will have a moderator that will guide the discussion and that will assign a rapporteur for the group. The rapporteur will report the key discussion points back to the Plenary.
A short paper highlighting trends within projects, best practices, agreed definitions, and gaps that need addressing. These outcomes will inform the work in the remainder of the series.
Preparation Before Workshop:
We will send out a small set of discussion points to come prepared to discuss and a short poll to organise contributions and gather insights more effectively. No formal presentation preparation is needed. Some examples of questions that will be discussed:
- How are starting values prioritised in projects?
- Who should use the results of KVIs, and for what?
- What are the priority challenges projects are facing in defining KVIs?
- How should KVIs support projects in addressing the societal and sustainability dimensions of technology in projects?
Target audience:
We welcome all interested participants to join us in this workshop. We greatly encourage those responsible for KVI development within SNS projects to participate during the breakout sessions to contribute to a rich and productive discussion output.