SNS JU Working Groups (SNS JU WGs) are cross-project collaborations where the activities of multiple SNS JU projects are discussed by the representative project participants to converge and create positive synergies. The results of these discussions are published regularly as white papers. The goals of each WG and their guidelines are defined in the Terms of Reference of each WG. Projects wishing to join an SNS JU WG should approach the respective WG Chairperson.
- ‘SNS JU WGs’ are open to representatives of ongoing SNS JU projects. (Below)
- ‘6G-IA WGs’ are open to 6G IA Members and, if appropriate, representatives of ongoing SNS JU projects. (Information on these WGs is available on the 6G IA website.)
Working Groups originating from the SNS JU Projects are referred to as the SNS JU WGs and include:
- 6G Architecture WG
- Reliable Software Network WG
- Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation WG
- Hardware Technologies
These WGs are elaborated below:
SNS JU Working Groups
SNS JU 6G Architecture Working Group
Oemer Bulakci, Nokia
Xi Li, NEC Lab
The goal of this Working Group is to serve as a common platform to facilitate the discussions between SNS JU projects developing architectural concepts and components as well as validating them, and to attain a consolidated European view on the overall 6G architecture.
The SNS JU Architecture WG will disseminate the results via white papers and international conferences/workshops as well as bilateral/multilateral workshops with global stakeholders.
SNS JU Reliable Software Network Working Group
David Artunedo Guillen – Telefonica
Dimitris Tsolkas –
The purpose of this WG is to analyse and address unification and applicability of key research topics related to Software Networking including cloud native design, network abstraction, “as code” design, APIs, AI/ML, DevSecOps etc., covering all the network stack: infrastructures, platforms and components for Wire and- Wireless Networks, including Networked Clouds, EDGE, IoT and Services. The focus is to analyse the recent trends and the key technological challenges to transform the network to a lego based and open model.
The Reliable Software Networking WG will disseminate the results via white papers and international conferences/workshops as well as bilateral/multilateral workshops with global stakeholders.
SNS JU Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation Working Group
Michael Dieudonne – Keysight Technologies
Ioannis Patseouras – WINGS
The Test Measurement and Validation Working Group (TMV WG) focuses on promoting commonalities across projects that have strong interest in Testing & Monitoring (T&M) methodologies. The TMV provides a forum to share the best practices in order to support 6G Trial use cases. Such efforts include the development of test and measurement methods, test cases, procedures as well as the KPI/KVI formalization and validation to the greatest possible extent, to ensure a unique European vision on how the entire lifecycle of the 6G network, ranging from R&D to actual deployed environments, can be supported.
The TMV objectives are:
- To cover all aspect of testing, validation and measurement
- KPI/KVI definition, sources, collection procedures, validation methodologies and analysis
- Testing frameworks (requirements, environment, scenarios, expectations, limitation) and tools
- Testing methodologies and procedures
- Testing lifecycle (i.e., testing execution, monitoring, evaluation and reporting)
- Analysis of trials results and generation of insights
- TMV has also a few special topics: EMF & Data Reusability across SNS JU projects
SNS JU Hardware Technologies Working Group
Alexios Birbas, University of Patras
Luis Manuel Pessoa, INESC TEC
This Working Group (WG) focuses on Hardware Technologies that are investigated within the activities of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS-JU) Initiative and comprises of representatives from the selected Actions related with advanced physical layer technologies, funded under Streams A, B and C (e.g. “Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices”, “Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing” and “Microelectronics”). The Hardware Technologies WG (HT-WG) encompasses all interested projects that target research and innovation in the areas of systems, components, materials and chipsets, which are fundamental for the development of 6G networks.
The HT-WG objectives are:
- Collect, analyse and consolidate research findings from relevant projects (SNS, other global projects and national initiatives) on 6G hardware solutions, components, trends and results.
- Foster agreements and facilitate the consensus-building process on a roadmap that will enable massive adoption of hardware solutions for 6G by the telco industry.
- Collaborate with other SNS and 6G/IA WGs on relevant subjects, e.g., Architecture, pre-standardization and/or trials WGs.