SNS JU Procurements
Joint Procurements
Call for expressions of interests to participate in a call for tenders
This publicity aims to alert the economic operators on the market that a call for tenders will be launched. The main information relating to this invitation for expression of interests is set out below.
Title: EU Data Protection Online Central Register Services
Reference: EU-RAIL-NP-24-01-DP register
Type of call for tenders: Negotiated procedure for a middle-value framework contract (point 14 annexe I EU Financial Regulation 2018/10461)
Contracting Authority: Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
Type of contract: Framework contract for services
Maximum total value of the contract: EUR 140.000
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Deadline for expression of interests: 13/05/2024
Indicative(*) date of dispatch of the invitations to tender (launch of the procedure): 14/05/2024
Indicative (*) deadline for submission of tenders: 11/06/2024