SNS JU Procurements

Joint Procurements

Call for expressions of interests to participate in a call for tenders

This publicity aims to alert the economic operators on the market that a call for tenders will be launched. The main information relating to this invitation for expression of interests is set out below.

Title: EU Data Protection Online Central Register Services

Reference: EU-RAIL-NP-24-01-DP register

Type of call for tenders: Negotiated procedure for a middle-value framework contract (point 14 annexe I EU Financial Regulation 2018/10461)

Contracting Authority: Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking

Type of contract: Framework contract for services

Maximum total value of the contract: EUR 140.000

Duration of the contract: 4 years

Deadline for expression of interests: 13/05/2024

Indicative(*) date of dispatch of the invitations to tender (launch of the procedure): 14/05/2024

Indicative (*) deadline for submission of tenders: 11/06/2024

(*) Those dates are for indicative purposes only and do not constitute any obligation for the contracting authority. The exact deadlines, e.g., the deadline for the submission of tenders will be indicated in the invitation to tender.
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