List of Open Calls Cascade Funding Opportunities from SNS Phase 1 Projects Running

A number of the SNS JU phase one projects are planning to run open calls to either augment or validate the capabilities, functionalities and performance of their experimental platforms or to add use cases to their portfolio of demonstrated services.


Open Calls from Stream C projects



€1,790M over 3 calls

1st Call: 23 Jun. 2023 – 3 Jul. 2023
2nd Call: 29 Nov. 2023 – 29 Feb.2024
3rd call: 3 Jul. 2024 – 19 Sep. 2024

> Deploy and test innovative 6G use cases and KPI measurements over the 6G-SANDBOX experimentation infrastructure

> Demonstrate future 6G communications networks in the context of use cases described in FG-NET2030-Sub-G1 & the scope of the ITU IMT-2030 framework: main scope is to deliver values and ratings for application and network KPIs, and to quantify the added value for their target vertical sector

  • 60,000€ per experiment and a consortium of up to two organizations
  • 6 months
  • A total of 772.980€ is available for this call


€1.680 M over 2 calls

1st call: 1 Dec. 2023 – 29 Mar. 2024
2nd Call: 1 Jul. 2024 – 29 Oct. 2024

> Validate the capabilities, functionalities and performance of the 6G-BRICKS facility in extended domains to complement the domains of the internal Use Cases

> Ensure wide applicability of facility and value to the market

  • Consortia of up to 2 SMEs
  • 14-26 projects
  • €120 K by project with a maximum of €60 K per beneficiary
  • 6 months


€1.8M over 3 Calls

1st call: 31 Oct. – 27 Nov. 2023 (60 KEUR)
2nd call: 22 Mar. – 22 May 2024
3rd call: 2025

> Networking and computing enablers
> XR enablers
> RAN enablers
> Sustainability enablers for local green energy, controlling energy sources and charging/discharging, energy measurement and optimization solutions in terms of the following implementations.

  • Maximum € 60 K per project
  • 5-6 months

Open Calls from Stream D projects

Open Calls from SNS Projects


€4.4 M over 3 calls

1st Call: 1 Jun.- 1 Sep. 2023
2nd Call: 31 Mar. – 10 June. 2024
3rd Call: Oct. 2024 – Dec. 2024

> Test and validate their novel vertical applications through pilots and trials on the IMAGINE-B5G facilities (12 months)

> Provide novel features through HW and SW extensions to the IMAGINE-B5G facilities thanks to the openness of the platform and provide platform extensions that incorporate tools from Stream A and Stream B projects (up to 18 months)

  • Up to 18 months
  • Maximum €100 K per applicant


€6 M over 2 calls

1st Call: 9 May. – 2 Aug. 2023
2nd Call: 6 Dec. 2023 – 6 Mar. 2024

> Enhance the 5G/6G ecosystem in the manufacturing, automotive, energy, and construction verticals

> Testing or implementation of technologies. Oriented to use cases in four verticals: Manufacturing; Energy; Automotive; Construction

> Development of devices and solutions

  • 1st call: Single applicant or Consortia
  • 2nd call: Single applicant or Consortia
  • 9 months


€5.6 M in total

16 Oct. 2023 – 19 Jan. 2024

> Option 1: 200 KEUR per application: Deployment of new trials on the platform and network solutions deployed by the project

> Option 2: 300 KEUR per application: Extension of infrastructure’s domain in other geographical areas in Europe

  • 12 months


€4 M in total

15 Sep. 2023 – 30 Dec. 2023

> Attract new 5G use cases and beyond

> Involve key actors committed to performing beyond 5G trials in diversified and heterogeneous vertical use cases covering key industrial and societal sectors.• Ensuring the support of the needed infrastructure to deploy the proposed field trials

  • € 150 K or up to € 250 K per pilot
  • 12 months
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