This IEEE conference will bring together investigators from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and other space agencies, along with aerospace and space defense industries and academic researchers, in an effort to understand and solve the emerging problems facing wireless sensing and communication in space and related extreme environments.
The “Non-Terrestrial Networks for 6G Systems (NTN6G)” workshop at the event will be co-chaired by 6G-NTN Coordinator Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli (University of Bologna), together with partners Alessandro Guidotti (University of Bologna, CNIT), Tomaso de Cola (DLR) and Mohammed El Jaafari (Thales Alenia Space France).
During the “Non-Terrestrial Networks for 6G Systems (NTN6G)” workshop, Alessandro Guidotti will give a keynote speech on “The Evolution of NTN from 5G to 5G-Advanced and 6G”, while researchers from the University of Bologna Carla Amatetti and Riccardo Campana will present a tutorial entitled “NB-IoT over NTN: Technology Overview, Challenges, and Potential Solutions”.
In the context of the “Glue Technologies for Extreme Application Scenarios (GLUE)” workshop, University of Bologna’s Bruno De Filippo e Riccardo Campana will present a tutorial entitled “AI for Non-Terrestrial Networks”.
For more information on the event: