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16 October 2024 @ 11:30 - 18 October 2024 @ 16:30

The CEF Digital Days in Brussels consist if three complementary events on consecutive days in October 2024.  See below for the outline of the events and follow the individual links for the respective agendas and registration forms.  All events will be held in Centre Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, Brussels.  Please note that early registration is required to allow the security clearance for events in Commission premises to be processed in good time.  You must register separately for each event that you wish to attend.


16 October  2024:

The GUIDE project, with the support of the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and the 5GMEC4EU project, are organising this workshop to review and discuss ongoing 5G Corridors activities and the 5G Strategic Deployment Agendas in the fields of rail and road, as well as other CEF Digital initiatives.  The workshop will take stock and showcase achievements made thus far through key 5G corridor deployment actions and further promote public- private partnership initiatives in this area.
The event will build on projects generated by calls one and two of the 5G Corridors topic under CEF Digital and will engage stakeholders in targeted discussions aimed at defining priority deployment roadmaps, various cooperation models, while identifying and sharing best practices.
Registration link: GUIDE 5GCorridors Workshop 16  October 2024/


17 October 2024:

The European Commission, in close collaboration with the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), is organising the first Connecting Europe Facility – CEF Digital – community event.
The event will gather all the projects funded under the CEF Digital programme and players from all segments of the connectivity value chain in order to share experience, identify collaboration needs, strengthen synergies and contribute to maximising the programme’s impact on policy goals.
By engaging in discussions and exchanges of ideas, the CEF Digital community will bring new insights into the reflections on future connectivity policies and investments as outlined in the White Paper.
Registration link: 1st CEF DIGITAL COMMUNITY EVENT


18 October 2024:

The 5G for Smart Communities Support Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, is pleased to invite you to our annual Community Conference for the CEF Digital 5G for Smart Communities stakeholders. This gathering will take place as an engaging Cluster Meeting, designed to foster collaboration and innovation.
The discussions will tackle the challenges and solutions in the realm of 5G, focusing on the implementation, replication, and key
enablers across various application domains. This event offers a unique opportunity to gain insights into defining clear business
models, understanding technical components, and discovering solutions for off-the-shelf replicable 5G projects.
Registration link: 5G for Smart Communities Community Conference








16 October 2024 @ 11:30
18 October 2024 @ 16:30
Event Categories:


Centre Borschette
Rue Froissart 36,
Bruxelles, 1040 Belgium
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