Vision of Future Communications Summit ( is a top-quality research workshop, oriented to identify key research areas in information and communication technologies in the mid-future of 7 to 10 years. It will follow from the previous event held in 2017, 2019, and 2021, considering that by 2030 6G will be reaching the market. Given the expected innovation cycle times, it is now appropriate that we start discussions on Innovations after 6G .
The Summit will cover multiple research lines, roughly structured along Physical Layer, Network and Control Plane, and Applications and Services. All sessions will be organized as panels of distinguished speakers from academia, industry and High-level European Commission officials presenting their viewpoints on a subarea within each track. Panels will be enriched with contributions from an open call to the community, and with sessions presenting long-term visions from different stakeholders.
The Visions on Future Communication Summit will be preceded by the Workshop on Realistic AI for Telecommunications. ( The events will take place on the 6th (workshop), 7th and 8th (Summit) of November, in Lisbon. The Summit, oriented towards highly-interactive communication between participants, with very fluid interactions, is oriented to identify key research areas in information and communication technologies in the mid-future of 7 to 10 years. It will follow from the previous event held in 2017, 2019, and 2021, considering that by 2030 6G will be reaching the market.
Networld Europe will also organize in the 9th a physical meeting of the Expert Group (as well as a Steering Board meeting), to which you are invited to participate. This meeting will discuss the results of the previous days in the context of the organization of the work plan for the coming update of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, to be performed during the next half-year.