‘Smart Networks and Services Info Session’ @EuCNC & 6G Summit

The 5G IA is pleased to invite you at the ‘Smart Networks and Services Info Session’ on 11th June, @14:30-17:30 CEST during EuCNC & 6G Summit. This EuCNC session aims to […] 

Call for Membership for new ‘Smart Networks and Services’ Association

As the Horizon 2020 framework programme comes to an end and the new Horizon Europe framework programme launches, the 5G IA, as the industrial partner of the 5G PPP, is […] 

New 5G PPP video released: Driving Innovation in Healthcare with 5G and Smart Networks

The Full5G project is pleased to inform you that a new 5G PPP  video has been released. It is entitled “5G PPP Webinar: Driving Innovation in Healthcare with 5G and […] 

5G IA’s Position Paper on a European Partnership on Smart Networks & Services under Horizon Europe released

The 5G IA released a  Position Paper on a European Partnership on Smart Networks & Services under Horizon Europe on 13 February 2019. This Position Paper deals with Smart Networks […] 

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