Questionnaire for ongoing SNS JU R&I projects

This questionnaire has been generated by the SNS OPS CSA project with the main goal of capturing the data for the SNS JU program Key indicators from the ongoing SNS JU R&I projects (operational for at least 1 year = Call 1 Projects).  These indicators are based on capturing the achieved progress in each of the SNS projects and consolidating the results to facilitate the progress tracking of the SNS JU program as a whole and, specifically, to allow the preparation of relevant JU monitoring reports.  This information may also be used to assist with the dissemination of project/program results, liaise with appropriate external stakeholders, and host/organize relevant events.

The consolidated information will be shared with the SNS organisational bodies including the Governing Board,  Steering Board, Technology Board and Working Groups, to assist with progress tracking and the identification of potential synergies between SNS projects (according to interest).

The results of this questionnaire will also be shared with all SNS projects and the key findings and insights will be presented in a dedicated webinar and published in a public Deliverable of the SNS OPS project.

Your input is extremely important for the SNS programme as a whole, and we appreciate the time taken to fill in and deliver this information!


    1. The questions have been organised into two parts to help both the projects and the program level reporting
    2. First, please download the excel template for reporting below and fill in your project details for each of the questions. The format is chosen so that the tables should be useful for your project periodic reporting as well. Information regarding details such as event/publications/contributions names, titles, links, etc. should be provided in this excel sheet.
    3. Please add the name of your project to the excel file name and have it completed and ready to upload via the provided link at the end of this questionnaire.
    4. Then please complete the on-line questionnaire, by providing the numerical values requested, and upload your completed Excel Report.
    5. You may use the text-box underneath each question (in the online questionnaire) to provide clarifications or other comments. (please don’t try to give reporting details via the text boxes).

Comment: We appreciate that you may not have available all the requested information, but please fill in the excel-sheet on a best-effort basis.

Note: Question 10 introduces the concept of “replicability” of use cases and the excel tool linked here allows this to be assessed as a number (for comparative purposes only). Please download this tool to assess the replicability level of your Trials or Pilots and if there are any questions or concerns, there is a contact email address for help within the excel.


    Select Project*:

    Select Stream*:

    Project Representative Name*:

    Project Representative eMail*:


    Q1. How many events (webinars, workshops, sessions, panels, keynotes) has your project organised in 2023?
    Please give the details of the events your project organised in 2023 in the excel sheet.


    Q2. How many events (webinars, workshops, sessions, panels, keynotes), NOT organized by your project, has your project supported/contributed to? 
    Please give the details of events your project participated in in 2023 in the excel sheet.


    Q3. How many peer-reviewed journal/magazine articles has your project authored?
    Please indicate the publication and the main theme of each article published in 2023 in the excel sheet. It is important to note if the publication was the result of a collaboration among SNS projects and/or an SNS SB, TB or WG outcome resulting in an achieved technological consensus solution:


    Q4. How many conference papers has your project authored?
    Please indicate the Conference and the theme of each paper presented in 2023 in the excel sheet. Again, please indicate whether each publication was the result of collaboration among SNS projects and/or an SNS SB, TB or WG outcome resulting in an achieved technological consensus solution:


    Q5. How many book chapters has your project authored or contributed to?
    Please indicate what the main theme of each chapter was and whether each book chapter was the result of collaboration among SNS projects and/or SNS SB, TB or WG outcome in 2023 in the excel sheet.


    Q6.How many whitepapers has your project authored or contributed to?
    Please indicate what was the main theme of each of white paper and whether each publication was the result of collaboration among SNS projects and/or SNS SB, TB or WG outcome in the excel sheet.


    Q7. How many contributions to standards organizations have been submitted by project partners, stemming directly from project related activities?
    Please indicate all SDOs, bodies and WG to which contributions have been made in the excel sheet.


    Q8. How many IPR (patent) applications, stemming directly from project related activities, have been submitted by project partners, ?
    Please provide provide the relevant patent information and the status (pending/granted) in the excel sheet.


    Q9. How many Proof of Concepts (PoCs) (TRL3) and/or Lab Tests (TRL4) has your project executed?
    Please state the Test focus area/name, location, date, and the # of end devices and # of vertical stakeholders engaged for each Tests/PoC in the excel sheet.


    Q10. How many Trials (TRL5/6) or Pilots (TRL7) has your project executed?
    Please state the Test focus area/name, location, date, and the # of end devices and # of vertical stakeholders engaged for each trial/pilot in the excel sheet.


    Q11. How many open-source solutions has you project made use of?
    Please state which Open source Solutions were used, their purpose and any other relevant info in the excel sheet.


    Q12. How many open-source contributions has your project generated & submitted

    and how many were accepted in the relevant communities?
    Please state the type/focus of the contribution made, the relevant community and the status of each contribution in the excel sheet.


    Q13. A) Has your project experimented with Energy Efficiency (EE) solutions? If yes, please declare your experiments and the observed improvement of energy efficiency in your experiments/trials (in %) here.


    Q14. High-risk research: What percentage (in terms of budget share) of activities in your project are at levels TRL 1 and 2, and therefore correspond to "high-risk" research?
    Please state the type/focus of each TRL1 and TRL2 activity and their respective % share of the project budget here.


    Q15. What obstacles/ challenges did you face during your first year of operation? Were you able to overcome/resolve them?


    Please submit the completed EXCEL sheet for your project here:


    GDPR Statement:

    All data collected will be handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines. The SNS OPS team will use the data collected for analytical purposes and for preparing reports on the performance of the SNS JU as a whole.  Any project that contributes data to the SNS progress assessment will have the right to access their data and correct inaccuracies.

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