Overview of SNS Call 1

The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private Partnership that aims to facilitate and develop industrial leadership in Europe in 5G and 6G networks and services. The SNS JU funds projects that shape a solid research and innovation (R&I) roadmap and deployment agenda by engaging a critical mass of European stakeholders and facilitating international cooperation on various 6G initiatives through 35 projects divided into 4 streams and a support actions one.
Smart communication components, systems and networks for 5G mid-term Evolution systems
The 7 projects under this stream (5G-STARDUST, 6Green, ACROSS, BeGREEN, NANCY, SEASON, VERGE) follow an evolutionary path towards the development of 6G networks. The selected projects demonstrate complementarity and have been selected in such a way as to create a complete system view. Research topics covered include energy efficient radio networks, adaptive Open RAN, integrated 5G-Non-Terestrial Networks (NTN), AI-based edge platforms, and intelligent resource management ensuring security, privacy & trustworthiness.
Research for revolutionary technology advancement towards 6G
The focus is on novel technologies that are expected to be adopted in commercial networks in a mid and/or long-term time period. Research topics considered in the 19 retained projects ( 6G-NTN, 6G-SHINE, 6GTandem, ADROIT6G, CENTRIC, CONFIDENTIAL6G, DETERMINISTIC6G, DESIRE6G, ETHER, FLEX-SCALE, Hexa-X-II, HORSE, PREDICT-6G, PRIVATEER, RIGOUROUS, SUPERIOT, TERA6G, TERRAMETA, TIMES) include, inter alia, novel 6G system architectures, advanced wireless and optical communication technologies, advances in Non Terrestrial Networks, secure development of ultra-reliable, and low-latency communications (URLLC) applications.
SNS experimental infrastructures
The 3 projects in stream C (6G-BRICKS, 6G-SANDBOX, 6G-XR) aim at developing EU-wide experimentation platforms that can incorporate promising technical 6G enablers for their further validation. Key aspects for the projects are the reusability and ability to evolve of the experimental platforms over the lifetime of the SNS programme. Accessibility and openness with well-defined and clearly-documented technological and business interfaces are also considered key assets of the infrastructures to be developed.
Large-Scale SNS Trials and Pilots
4 projects (FIDAL, IMAGINE-B5G, TARGET-X, TrialsNet) are implementing large-scale SNS trials and pilots with specific verticals of high economic and societal importance. The aim is to explore and demonstrate 5G/6G technologies, advanced applications and services in vertical sectors such as energy, construction, automotive, manufacturing, eHealth, culture, and media. Additionally, these large-scale trials aim to become the catalyst for the creation of viable business ecosystems. Stream D projects incorporate technologies that are currently key enablers for 6G networks, such as AI/ML, cybersecurity, cloud/edge and advanced IoT solutions etc.
Coordination and Support Actions
The project portfolio includes two (2) Coordination and Support Actions (SNS OPS & SNS ICE) focussed on internal operational aspects of the SNS Partnership as well as on establishing dialogues with EU initiatives (e.g., related partnerships, national initiatives, etc.) and promote SNS results and achievements at a global level while working towards the formation of global standards.