Overview of SNS Call 3

The SNS JU Call 3 received an enthusiastic response, with requested grants totalling €863 million, more than 7 times the available funding.
The 16 selected projects in this third call will support 301 beneficiaries from 25 countries in developing and deploying next-generation network infrastructure, platforms, and services.
Wireless Communication Technologies
This Call 3 stream B covers research for revolutionary and evolutionary technology advancements, in preparation for 6G and revolutionary and evolutionary advancements including IoT, devices and software. This Stream targets low to medium TRL in WP 2024, although slightly higher TRL in WP 2024 compared to WP 2023, to deliver innovative solutions towards real-life networks in a long-term period.
This stream is divided in 8 sub-sections for a total of 12 projects: FLECON-6G, UNITY-6G, 6G-LEADER, MultiX, AMAZING-6G, NexaSphere, MARE, XTRUST-6G, 6G-MIRAI, 6GARROW, SUSTAIN-6G, 6G-DALI
SNS Microelectronics Lighthouse
This stream focuses on SNS Enablers and Proof of Concepts (PoCs) used to further develop and consolidate experimental infrastructure(s), supporting the various phases of the SNS Partnership. Stream C developments in WP 2024 will mainly focus on integrating microelectronics and photonics, developed by related partnerships, in 6G experimental infrastructures.
This will be the role of the X-TREME 6G project.
SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots with Verticals (IA)
Stream D projects target large-scale SNS Trials and Pilots with Verticals, including the required infrastructure. The aim is to explore and demonstrate technologies, advanced applications, and services for the vertical domains. During the second SNS phase, Stream D projects are expected to mostly rely on SNS Call 1 technologies especially the infrastructures to be developed from Stream C projects. The goal is to gradually incorporate innovative 6G functionalities. From the societal point of view, stream D will highlight sustainability evaluations across verticals, validating the exploitation of 6G across different vertical sectors.
Both projects 6G-VERSUS and AMBIENT-6G will focus on these vertical trials.