This survey has been developed by the SNS ICE project consortium on behalf of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).

It aims to gather insights on the current and future adoption of 5G among relevant vertical associations and to capture their perspectives on 6G, covering industry-specific 5G adoption rates, key use cases and their success metrics, the implementation of specific 5G functionalities, industry trends, expectations for 5G evolution and 6G features, other valuable digital technologies, and any significant overlooked issues.

By filling this form you agree to your submitted data being included in overviews of the Vertical Sector 5G and 6G trends that will be published as part of the SNS ICE project work.

No Personal or other sensitive information will be disclosed. All data will be handled in compliance with European Union GDPR regulations.

Thank you for your contribution!


    Please enter the contact details of the submitter in case there are any questions about the DATA submitted.

    Your Full Name:

    Your Email:

    Your Organisation:

    Your Job Title:

    Your Vertical Sector: Automotive/ Transport/ LogisticsEducationIndustry 4.0/ ManufacturingMedia/xRSpace/Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN)Smart AgricultureSmart CitySmart EnergySmart HealthSecurity/ PPDRTourism & CultureOther

    If "other", please specify:

    What is the size of your company? (EU criteria)


    PART 1 - Uptake of 5G and use cases covered (5 Questions)


    According to a recent GSMA survey, the adoption of 5G mobile connections will continue at pace and will account for almost 60% of mobile connections in 2030 at a worldwide level.


    Characters :0/300

    If "other", please specify:

    Characters :0/2000


    Characters :0/2000

    · Enhanced Broadband (from “eMBB”);
    · Massive Communication (from “mMTC”);
    · Low latency (Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication) (from “URLLC”)


    5G Slices
    If "No" can you state the main reasons?

    5G Private Networks

    If "Yes" would you consider to acquire you own spectrum?

    If "other", please specify:

    If "No" can you state the main reasons? Choose top 3 reasons:

    If "other", please specify:

    Please tick if you use only public 4G or 5G networks for machine connectivity (if not slices or private networks)


    Characters :0/2000

    Characters :0/2000


    Characters :0/300


    PART 2 - Beyond 5G/6G (5 questions)


    Characters :0/2000


    Characters :0/2000



    If you selected "other" please list:
    Characters :0/300


    Please prioritise (7 most valuable, 1 less valuable, 0 no value)

    Smart connectivity (ATAWAD)

    Cloud/Edge computing



    Quantum computing


    Digital Twins

    Immersive communications


    Cybersecurity technologies


    Don't know

    Characters :0/300

    Characters :0/300


    Contact Us

    We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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