SNS JU February 2024 Newsflash
In this last newsflash of February 2024, find back
- a recap of events where SNS JU or the 5G and 6G communities have an impact,
- join the discussion followed by SNS JU projects news
- and do not miss any coming events in the Save-the-Dates !
5G and 6G Events catch-up:
SNS Webinar – Introducing the Call 2 SNS projects
In January 2024, the second phase of its 6G projects has been launched, which are critical in establishing a solid research and innovation (R&I) foundation for Europe, defining the next generation networks.
The recently launched projects will be presented in two webinars, giving an overview of their activities and ambitions.
The first of these webinars is planned for Thursday 7 March 2024 at 13:00 CET for three hours. This first webinar will present Stream B1 (System Architecture), B3 (Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices) and B4 (Reliable Services and Smart Security) projects according to the agenda below.
Agenda of the first webinar and registration is available here.
The second of these webinars is planned for Thursday 14 March 2024 at 13:00 CET for three hours. This second webinar will present Stream B2 (Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing), B5 (Microelectronics-based Solutions for 6G Networks), B6 (EU-US 6G R&I Cooperation), C (Complementary SNS experimental Pan-EU federated Infrastructure), D (SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots with Verticals) and CSA (SNS Societal Challenges) projects according to the agenda below.
Agenda of the second webinar and registration is available here.
The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private Partnership that aims to facilitate and develop industrial leadership in Europe in 5G and 6G networks and services. The SNS JU funds projects that shape a solid research and innovation (R&I) roadmap and deployment agenda by engaging a critical mass of European stakeholders and facilitating international cooperation on various 6G initiatives.

SNS JU at MWC: 6G Horizon

The “6G Horizon” session was hosted by the Smart and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) at the Mobile World Congress 2024, aimed at exploring the next frontier of wireless communication technology: 6G. The imperative to examine the potential of next-generation communications from various perspectives led to the organization of the 90-minute session titled “Bridging Perspectives for a Sustainable Future.”
The session explored the multifaceted case for 6G, recognizing the diverse views brought to the table by multiple stakeholders. The conference served as a pivotal platform to promote understanding and alignment of these varied perspectives. The interaction among industry leaders, innovators, policymakers, and researchers propelled the collective vision of what 6G could and should entail.
Within the session, the distinct European perspective on 6G was explored, highlighting the continent’s strong tradition of public-private collaboration that has shaped its technological landscape. Additionally, the essential connections between 6G and various vertical industries were emphasized, paving the way for transformative applications and services.
Moreover, the discussion underscored the significant impact of 6G on crucial areas such as sustainability and cybersecurity. As society progresses towards a more interconnected and data-driven future, 6G stands poised to revolutionize approaches to forthcoming challenges, offering innovative solutions for resource optimization and data sovereignty.
SNS JU Projects @ MWC24
Organized on 26-29 February 2024, in Barcelona, Spain, the Mobile World Congress 2024 attracted many SNS projects:
- 6G-SANDBOX and CENTRIC were at Keysight booth.
- 5G-STARDUST was at SRS, Orange, Hispasat, Thales and CTTC booths.
- ADROIT6G, 6G-BRICKS, INTENSE-6G and SUNRISE-6G were present through IQUADRAT’s stand.
- 6G-XR shared the booths of i2Cat, Telefonica, Matsuko, CapGemini and InterDigital (IDE).
- TARGET-X was at Neutroon’s stand.
- PREDICT-6G and 6G-SHINE were present at InterDigital’s (IDE) booth.
- VERGE project was at NBC’s and CTTC’s booths.
- HEXA-X-II was present both on Nokia’s and Ericsson’s stands.
- 6G-NTN was at Greener Wave’s stand.
- 6GREEN made presence at the stands of HPE Italy, Orange Romania and Telenor
- 6G-EWOC was at UPC’s booth.
- OPTI-6G was present at RunEL’s stand.
- 6G-CLOUD was at BubbleRAN’s booth.
- FirstTo6G made presence at stands of InCirt, Sivers Semiconductors and Argo Semiconductors.
- 6G-XCEL was present at Juniper’s booth.
- 6G-REFERENCE was at CTTC’s stand.
- 6G-TWIN made presence at the stands of Viavi Solutions and Acceleran.


Between the 27-29 February 2024, Keysight Technologies hosted at the MCW 2024 in collaboration with the partners NVIDIA and InterDigital, at the booth 5E12 to promote 2 demo stands from the SNS JU project 6G-SANDBOX and CENTRIC Project.
Both projects are Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (SNS JU).
These booths were here to discuss their latest wireless innovations, including Nemo Wireless Network Solutions:
- 6G AI Neural Receiver Design
- AI/ML & Sensing in 6G
Present in the photos:
Michael Dieudonne, project coordinator of 6G-SANDBOX Project (Keysight Technologies), Sebastian Cammerer (NVIDIA), Alejandro Villena Rodríguez (Keysight Technologies) and Germán Corrales Madueño (Keysight Technologies).
MWC24 Enablement for Connected Vehicles Workshop
MWC2024 “Enablement for Connected Vehicles Workshop” took place on the morning of the 28 February 2024, organized by Networld Europe and CCSA. The event was hybrid with online and onsite participants.
The workshop provided an open information space sharing the current and future views about the connected vehicles, and how this theme is being addressed by different stakeholders. Two different discussion panels were organized, addressing challenges and evolution, new use cases and technology trends as well as standardization and next step industry developments related to Connected Vehicles.
The workshop featured key speakers from industry and academia, representing the views of manufacturers, operators, industry bodies, and research scientists.

A series of events on pre-Standardisation
The standardisation of 5G and the advancement towards 6G technologies pose considerable challenges, particularly in meeting the diverse requirements of industry verticals ranging from automotive to public safety. Ensuring these technologies and their services align with end-user needs requires a meticulous standardisation process, accounting for the capabilities and performance characteristics vital for different applications. This necessity highlights the importance of collaboration between industry experts and standardisation communities to produce globally recognised standards that facilitate interoperability and enable the full potential of 5G and 6G applications.

This online workshop series, organised by SNS OPS as part of its Impact Assessment and Facilitation Action (IAFA) initiative, in collaboration with ETSI and HSbooster.eu, will tackle relevant topics linked to challenges in standardisation in the context of 5G/6G developments.
This first event focuses on the initial phase of 6G technology, highlighting the latest research and the future goals for 6G, while considering lessons learned from 5G deployments and service evolution. It aims to address the challenges and opportunities in the early stages of 6G development, discussing the potential applications and innovative aspects that 6G could bring to various industry sectors. Experts will share insights into how 6G could transform communication systems and services, and the importance of aligning this new technology with the specific needs of different industries.
11:00 Welcome and introduction
11:05 Overview of organising CSAs
- SNS OPS general overview – Uwe Herzog (Project and Programme Manager at EURESCOM) –
- eu general overview – Maria Giuffrica (Senior Researcher at Trust-IT Services) –
11:10 1st Interactive session with audience
11:15 ETSI approach to Technology Research and Some Initial Thoughts on 6G
David Boswarthick (Director of New Technologies at ETSI)
11:35 2nd Interactive session with audience
11:45 5G to 6G Transition: Evolution in SDO Activities, Key Trends, and Primary Use Cases
Muslim Elkotob (Principal Solutions Architect at Vodafone),
12:05 3rd Interactive session with audience
12:15 Towards Native AI Architectures in 6G
Tasos Dagiuklas (Head of Cognitive Systems Research Centre at London South Bank University),
12:35 4th Interactive session with audience
12:45 Q&A
The 6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec (CP)²” Conference
Organised by SNS-OPS, ECSO and NetworldEurope and hosted by INRIA, the “6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points Conference” took place on the 23 of January 2024 in the Campus Cyber in Paris, France. It gathered almost 100 researchers, practitioners, policymakers and enthusiasts ready to delve into the future of cybersecurity in the 6G era.
Hosted by Emmanuel Dotaro (Thales) and Roberto Cascella (European Cyber Security Organisation, ECSO), the day started with the keynote “SNS Network of the Future” (Thomas Orazio, France 6G), presenting the package of actions and initiatives envisioned by the French government to tackle the security of the SNS.
A comprehensive overview of the current policy landscape was provided by Matteo Mole (ECSO), laying the foundation for the rich discussions that would follow. Rui Aguiar (Chair of NetworldEurope) and Fabio Martinelli (Chair of WG 6 at ECSO) discussed the update of both SRIAs, emphasising the need for collaborative efforts to address the emerging cybersecurity challenges. Apostolos Malatras (ENISA) closed the first part of the agenda with a presentation that dissected the threat landscape, providing valuable insights into current and emerging cybersecurity threats.
The afternoon was dedicated to technical discussions on the security architecture and distribution in 6G; secure AI for secure 6G; crypto-based technologies application in 6G; and, security knowledge and deployment. The animated interactions among the panellists and with a very participative audience led to many meaningful exchanges.
The event closed with the session “Paving the way for common roadmaps engaging both communities”. Pavlos Fournogerakis (SNS JU Office), Miguel Gonzalez-Sancho (DG-CNECT, Interim director of ECCC) Fabio Martinelli (IIT CNR), and Rui Aguiar (IT Aveiro) underlined the need to cooperate and build common roadmaps for the future, emphasising the shared responsibility in shaping a resilient and secure digital landscape.
The event served as a testimony to the importance of a strong collaboration to address the complex challenges of cybersecurity in Europe and marked the start of a long cooperation ahead.
The “6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points Conference” brought together the European cybersecurity and Smart Networks and Services (SNS) communities to discuss the state of the art of the security domain.

European Commission presents new initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow, including White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”

On 21 February 2024, the European Commission published a press release on “new initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow. The Commission presented a set of possible actions to foster the innovation, security, and resilience of digital infrastructures. The future competitiveness of Europe’s economy depends on these advanced digital network infrastructures and services, since fast, secure, and widespread connectivity is essential for the deployment of the technologies that will bring us into tomorrow’s world: telemedicine, automated driving, predictive maintenance of buildings, or precision agriculture.
This digital connectivity package aims to start a discussion on concrete proposals with stakeholders, Member States and like-minded partners on how to shape future EU policy action with a view to achieving a consensus:
- The White Paper on “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” analyses the challenges Europe currently faces in the rollout of future connectivity networks, and presents possible scenarios to attract investments, foster innovation, increase security, and achieve a true Digital Single Market.
The Commission launched today a public consultation on 12 scenarios set out in the White Paper. The consultation will close on 30 June 2024. The submissions will be published and will contribute to the future policy actions.
You can download the document here.
- The Recommendation on the security and resilience of submarine cable infrastructures presents a set of actions at national and EU level aimed at improving submarine cable security and resilience, through a better coordination across the EU, both in terms of governance and funding.
You can download the document here.
The European SME expertise in 5G and beyond brochure 2024 is out.
The 8th edition of the “European SME Expertise in 5G and Beyond” brochure has been released! The catalogue encompasses over 80 SMEs profiles, highlighting their expertise in 5G/6G, as well as the vertical sectors in which they are involved, ranging from media to health and from public safety to transport, among many others.
The brochure also includes over 15 success stories showcasing the incredible achievements of SMEs in the past year. The stories illustrate the results of the SME’ exploitation work performed in 5G PPP and SNS projects, as well as other relevant projects at European and national level.
The “Find the SME you need” web page has been updated with the latest information provided by SMEs. You will find on this page a synthesis of technological expertise and skills from SMEs, as well as information on which vertical sectors they focus.
Since the SNS JU requests a minimum 20% participation of SMEs in projects the brochure and web page offer an excellent opportunity to find the SMEs that will make the difference in your next project(s).
The brochure can be downloaded here.

Hexa-X-II article on “Looking Back to our Predictions and Looking ahead for the future” for IEEE CTN

The IEEE Communications Technology News (CTN) has a tradition of beginning each year by forecasting the technological trends that will shape the telecommunications sector. The 2024 January edition of CTN instead shines a spotlight on a contribution to the field of wireless communication: an article titled “Looking Back to Our Predictions and Looking Ahead to the Future” by Mikko A. Uusitalo (Hexa-X-II Coordinator) of Nokia, Finland, Hamed Farhadi and Patrik Rugeland of Ericsson, Sweden, and Mauro Boldi of TIM, Italy detailing the Hexa-X and Hexa-X-II projects, which are at the forefront of laying the groundwork for 6G technology.
SNS Joint Workshop with TERRAMETA, TIMES 6G and 6G-SHINE
On 1st February 2024, TERRAMETA, TIMES 6G, and 6G-SHINE projects came together for a joint SNS Workshop, held in synergy with the Fondazione RESTART (IN project) in Bologna, Italy. This opportunity was sparked by the “RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop” (January 30-31), which aimed to showcase the Italian RESTART project: “REsearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart.”
During the workshop, Luís Pessoa presented the latest advancements in the TERRAMETA project (“Overview of the TERRAMETA Project”). Further insights were shared through presentations by J. Vásquez Peralvo (“Scalability Analysis of RIS in Terahertz”), B. K. Jung (“RIS Application on THz X-haul Links from Simulation to Measurement”), and A. Clemente (“Advanced transceiver-antenna co-integration techniques at mmWave and sub-THz: recent achievements and future challenges”).
This productive gathering fostered new collaborations and identified opportunities for joint ventures in the field of high-frequency (THz) wireless communication.

Vertical Engagement Tracker
developed by SNS ICE

The Vertical Engagement Tracker developed by the SNS ICE project aims to systematically map and monitor SNS JU use cases and their relation to relevant vertical sectors. This is an improved version of the Verticals Cartography released for 5G PPP mapping both SNS JU R&I projects’ use cases and relevant associations, providing a blueprint for vertical engagement. So far, over 50 use cases from SNS JU Phase 1 projects have been updated and information about 9 vertical associations.
Hexa-X-II 6G Series Virtual Workshop
On 13-14 February 2024, Hexa-X-II and other European projects from ICT-52 and SNS JU organized a global and fully virtual workshop open to all.
The topics and SNS projects involved were:
- Drivers for 6G, including use cases, verticals, and sustainability.
- System view and architecture for 6G
Agustin Diaz-Pines, Deputy Had of Unit EC and Colin Willcock, Chairman, 6G IA opened the workshop on February 13, highlighting key issues for 6G in Europe. Mikko Uusitalo, Nokia and Hexa-X- II project coordinator, Patrik Rugeland Ericsson and Hexa-X-II technical manager and Stefan Wendt, Orange and Hexa-X-II WP1 lead showed key highlights of the 6G flagship, including 6G use cases.
Ki-Dong Lee from the Next G Alliance, Dr. Sun Shaohui from CICTMobile, Takehiro Nakamura from NTT DoComo and the Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium, Prof. Akihiro Nakao from the University of Tokyo and the Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium, Dr. YoungJo Ko from ETRI, Mitch Tseng from ITRI and Shyam Prabhakar Mardikar from Reliance Jio gave insights respectively on American, Chinese, Japanese, Koreanese, Taiwanese and Indian perspectives.
In the afternoon,
On February 14, the focus was on radio evolution and innovation for 6G, and on Smart Networkd Management, including future devices and infrastructure.
During the whole workshop, the European 6G projects ADROIT6G, 6G-NTN, DETERMINISTIC6G, 6G-SHINE, 6GREEN, HORSE, FLEX-SCALE, 6G-Anna, REINDEER shared their vision and insights.

- SNS Webinar – Introducing the Call 2 SNS projects (Part 1 of 2), 7 March 2024
- WiTaR – International’s Women’s day session, 8 March 2024
- 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2024), 11-14 March 2024
- IAFA event on pre-Standardisation 4-1: First Step – 6G Research and Vision, 12 March 2024
- SNS Webinar – Introducing the Call 2 SNS projects (Part 2 of 2), 14 March 2024
- European Research and Innovation Days (R&I Days) 2024, 20-21 March 2024
- French 6G Programme PEPR Scientific Day, 20 March 2024
- ETSI Conference “Non-Terrestrial Networks, a Native Component of 6G”, 3-4 April 2024
- 6G Symposium Spring 2024, 9-11 April 2024
- 6G Global Summit, 21-22 May 2024
- IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference WCNC 2024, 21-24 April 2024
- International Workshop on 6G Architecture (6GArch) – Call for Papers, during IEEE WCNC 2024, 21-24 April 2024
- Hannover Messe 2024, 22-26 April 2024
- 3GPP Stage 1 Workshop on IMT2030 Use-cases, 8-10 May 2024
- IEEE INFOCOM 2024, 20-23 May 2024
- EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 – 3-6 June 2024
- IEEE International Conference on Communication ICC 2024, 9-13 June 2024
- VTC Spring 2024, 24-27 June 2024
- Berlin 6G Conference 2024, 1-4 July 2024
- PIMRC 2024, 2-5 September 2024
SNS JU Project news:
The ACROSS First Project Video Is Out
ACROSS’s consortium releases the first video of the project entitled “ACROSS Approach”.
It is the first of a series of videos which will introduce and explain all of the project’s aspects to the audience. This initial production presents the key features of ACROSS which redefine the landscape of innovation! Moreover, the current video introduces ACROSS’s test cases.
CONFIDENTIAL6G Introduced at the OpenInfra Edge Compututing Working Group
Telefonica and Zentrix Lab introduced CONFIDENTIAL6G project at the OpenInfra Edge Computing Working Group, with the presence from Verizon, RackN, Inria, and the OpenInfra Foundation.
The OpenInfra Edge Computing Group is working on the Edge infrastructure and requirements for the Edge use case for apps scattered across verticals. The agenda of the meeting was focusing on federated learning and security mostly for the Edge. This collaboration isn’t just talk—it involves active problem-solving and testing ideas to explore solutions for different industries and global users.
6G-BRICKS @ Sploro Cascade Funding Webinar Series
On 16 February 2024, Session#9 of the Sploro Cascade Funding Webinar Series took place with the participation of 6G-BRICKS. This collaborative event brought together industry experts and innovators to explore the latest #CascadeFunding opportunities.
Presentation by Dr. Ioanna Ioannou, PhD (6G-BRICKS Project): Dr. Ioannou, the Open Call Manager of 6G-BRICKS, shared insightful updates on the project’s open calls, detailing the selection process for sub-projects aimed at experimentation on the 6G-BRICKS experimental infrastructure.
The webinar, organized by Sploro, served as a dynamic platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, explore funding opportunities, and foster innovation in various technology sectors.
IMAGINE-B5G Presentation of 3 First Open Call Projects
Imagine-B5G has presented 3 of the 15 projects selected in December 2023 during its first Open Call.
AGRO4-5G, which stands for Agro-4.0 based on 5G, is a Vertical Experiment for the IMAGINE-B5G Spanish test-facility from the partners QAMPO.
Presentation of the project is available here.
ProSe-Serv, an acronym for “Enabling Proximity Services: A Server-based Practical Deployment,” represents a vertical experiment initiated by Hopcast.
Presentation of the project is available here.
DCA, which stands for Drone Care Angel (DCA): Mobile health monitoring as a service enabled by beyond 5G, by Load Interactive, Unipessoal Lda. (LOAD) and Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN).
Presentation of the project is available here.
CENTRIC Vision Whitepaper
This white paper presents the visionary approach of the CENTRIC project towards developing a sustainable AI-native Air-Interface for 6G networks, aiming to revolutionize wireless communication through user-centric design. By leveraging advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, CENTRIC seeks to revolutionize wireless connectivity by placing users’ communication needs and environmental considerations at the forefront of network stack design. The CENTRIC vision begins with a top-down, modular approach that starts with users’ objectives and application-specific requirements. AI techniques are then employed to tailor-make waveforms, transceivers, signalling, protocols, and resource management procedures to support these requirements, resulting in what we refer to as the user-centric AI Air Interface (AI-AI).
More information is available here.