SNS JU March 2024 Newsflash
In this last newsflash of March 2024, find back
- a recap of events where SNS JU or the 5G and 6G communities have an impact,
- join the discussion followed by SNS JU projects news
- and do not miss any coming events in the Save-the-Dates !
5G and 6G Events catch-up:
SNS Webinar – Introducing the Call 2 SNS projects
On 7 and 14 March 2024, SNS JU introduced the second phase 6G projects in two webinars.
The slides and videos of the SNS Webinar – Introducing the Call 2 SNS projects are available on the event webpage.
The first webinar presented Stream B1 (System Architecture), B3 (Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices) and B4 (Reliable Services and Smart Security) projects.
The second webinar presented Stream B2 (Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing), B5 (Microelectronics-based Solutions for 6G Networks), B6 (EU-US 6G R&I Cooperation), C (Complementary SNS experimental Pan-EU federated Infrastructure), D (SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots with Verticals) and CSA (SNS Societal Challenges) projects.

SNS JU session at MWC 2024: 6G Horizon

On 27 February 2024, the Smart and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) hosted a session titled “6G Horizon: Bridging Perspectives for a Sustainable Future” at Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. This session aimed to explore the potential of 6G technology, next-generation communications from every conceivable angle. The main topics covered were the multifaceted case for 6G, the distinct European perspective on 6G and the impact of 6G on areas as critical as sustainability and cybersecurity.
This session identified some key elements:
- Lessons learned from 5G, and previous generations will be useful as it’s time to start discussions about 6G and begin contributing to European research activities.
- The ecosystem around 6G in Europe is rich and enables Europe to take a collaborative approach. The various partnerships, notably with the European Commission and the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA), but also with numerous other players, are a strength for Europe.
- For 6G, it is essential to put in place good, sustainable fundamentals and a systemic, end-to-end approach.
You can read here, the conclusions of Erzsébet Fitori, SNS JU Executive Director, on this session.
25 SNS JU research projects were exhibited at MWC24, exploring many of the challenges of 6G.
International Women’s Day initiatives by Working Groups SME and WiTaR
To celebrate Women’s Day on March 8, the SME and WiTaR Working Groups joined forces with the international InspireInclusion campaign. As part of this movement, the SME Working Group is taking a powerful step to promote diversity and equality in the workplace.
6G-IA WiTaR special session on International Women’s Day
The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association Women in Telecommunication & Research Working Group WiTaR, is having a special session on International Women’s day on 8 March 2024, to celebrate the day and highlight the contributions of women in Eu’s R&I activities.
Working Groups SME Women’s Day citations
Several inspirational quotes from women working in the telecoms and research sectors were shared by the Networld Europe Working Groups SME.

ETSI 6G-NTN Conference programme is now online 2024

On 3-4 April, the ETSI Conference “Non-Terrestrial Networks, a Native Component of 6G” will take place at Sophia Antipolis, France.
You can now consult the list of speakers, topics and the numerous research projects that will be present.
SNS JU projects such as 5G-Stardust, Adroit-6G and 6G-NTN will be present.
OFC 2024
On 24-28 March 2024, OFC 2024 took place in San Diego, USA. OFC is the premier global event for optical communications and networking professionals, attracts attendees from around the world to a conference and exhibition that showcases the latest industry advancements and emerging technologies.
In 2024, OFC expects to welcome over 13,000 participants from 74 countries, 87 media outlets and have more than 631 exhibiting companies in its exhibition halls. This global event serves as the platform for start-ups to make their debut and industry leaders to set the pace for what’s to come. Event organizers provide a compelling series of exciting programs and events covering the entire ecosystem with a focus on inclusivity.

DESIRE6G was present at OFC 2024 with two demos showcasing some of the latest developments in the project.

IAFA 1 event: 6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²” – Video

You can now watch the video of the the 6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²” event organised by the SNS OPS project, ECSO and Networld Europe. It took place on the 23 of January 2024 in Paris, France, hosted by PTTC (Transfer Programme at the Cyber Campus). “6Gsec CP²” brings together the Cyber and 6G communities to discuss:
- European policies, threat landscapes and known challenges
- Current Research and innovation agendas
- Technical focus and collaboration perspectives
This event was a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from both the Cyber and 6G communities to come together and share their insights on how to ensure the security of 6G networks and services. The event will feature several keynote speakers, as well as panel discussions and technical sessions addressing the topics below:
- The future of cybersecurity in the 6G era
- Opportunities to build mutual understanding,
- Research roadmap convergence and collaborations between the Cyber and 6G communities
Empowering SMEs in Innovation
The roundtable session “Igniting Innovation: R&I strategies and entrepreneurship” was held in the context of the NetworldEurope SME Working Group (SME WG) meeting, on the 8 of March 2023. The WG members convened to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs in the realm of technological innovation.
The invited speakers – Simon Pryor from Accelleran (Antwerp, Belgium), Dimitris Klonidis from Ubitech (Athens, Greece) and Sokratis Barmpounakis from WINGS ICT Solutions (Athens, Greece) – opened the roundtable presenting their SME R&I strategy. The speakers shared their insights and experiences, focusing on their approach to Horizon Europe projects, particularly in projects in the scope of the 5G PPP and SNS JU initiatives.
An open and animated discussion followed in which various topics were addressed, from the internal organisation of the SMEs and their R&I department to the importance of a strategic positioning in the community. Participants could ask questions, share their own experiences and even explore collaboration opportunities.
The NetworldEurope SME Working Group is the voice of the SME community in the telecommunications sector. If you wish to join, please fill in this form: https://www.networldeurope.eu/how-to-join/
The membership is free of charge.

European Research and Innovation Days (R&I Days) 2024

The fifth edition of the European Research and Innovation Days took place on 20 and 21 March 2024 both physically in Brussels and online, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere.
The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.
The 18th edition of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) took place on 17-22 March 2024 in Glasgow, Scotland.
Times 6G @ EuCAP
Carla Reinhardt presented the TIMES 6G project at EuCAP2024, showcasing the amazing step forward on Channel Measurements.
The paper presented provides an initial characterization of radio channels with robotic manipulators at low Terahertz frequencies. The findings demonstrate the feasibility of wireless communication in workspaces containing robotic arms.

6G-SHINE and TIMES 6G Joint Webinar

On 21 February 2024, the European Commission published a press release on “new initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow. The Commission presented a set of possible actions to foster the innovation, security, and resilience of digital infrastructures. The future competitiveness of Europe’s economy depends on these advanced digital network infrastructures and services, since fast, secure, and widespread connectivity is essential for the deployment of the technologies that will bring us into tomorrow’s world: telemedicine, automated driving, predictive maintenance of buildings, or precision agriculture.
On 22 February 2024, 6G-SHINE and TIMES 6G organized a joint webinar on Macroscopic ray-based modeling of scattering from Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS).
In this webinar, an innovative, fully ray-based approach to RIS scattering that is both efficient and electromagnetically consistent was presented. This model is suitable for forward ray tracing simulations in systems that incorporate RIS to improve performance and functionality.
This position paper provides a picture of the current 6G vision and developments in Europe and how they may influence or require specific microelectronics developments and priorities for funding of future R&I actions. Its goal is to stimulate possible joint/strategic cooperation, notably through structured collaboration between the Chips (Chips JU) and the Smart Network and Services (SNS JU) Joint Undertakings. This document was prepared by the 6G-IA and endorsed by AENEAS. The contributors of the white paper include a number of experts from various organizations, as well as representatives of DG-CNECT and the SNS JU Office.


On 19 March 2024, the GUIDE project, together with HADEA and DG CONNECT, organized a webinar to introduce the new CEF DIGITAL 5G Corridors Call 2 projects and discuss their 5G Corridor deployment efforts.
New Call 2 Projects:
The New Support action: 5GMEC4EU has also been presented.

- ETSI Conference “Non-Terrestrial Networks, a Native Component of 6G”, 3-4 April 2024
- 6G Symposium Spring 2024, 9-11 April 2024
- WWRF Huddle 2024, 17-18 April 2024
- IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference WCNC 2024, 21-24 April 2024
- International Workshop on 6G Architecture (6GArch) – Call for Papers, during IEEE WCNC 2024, 21-24 April 2024
- Hannover Messe 2024, 22-26 April 2024
- 5G and Industrial Wireless Arena @ Hannover Messe 2024, 22-26 April 2024
- 3GPP Stage 1 Workshop on IMT2030 Use-cases, 8-10 May 2024
- 6G Global Summit, 21-22 May 2024
- IEEE INFOCOM 2024, 20-23 May 2024
- EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 – 3-6 June 2024
- IEEE International Conference on Communication ICC 2024, 9-13 June 2024
- VTC Spring 2024, 24-27 June 2024
- Berlin 6G Conference 2024, 1-4 July 2024
- PIMRC 2024, 2-5 September 2024
- 1st International Workshop on Value-driven Ethical Networking in 6G (ETHICNET), co-located with IEEE PIMRC 2024, 2-5 September 2024
SNS JU Project news:
6G -XR Second round of Open Call
6G-XR officially launched the second round of its Open Call to SNS JU Stream B projects with €60.000 to complement the 6G-XR experimental platforms and research infrastructures.
The Call is open to SNS JU Stream B projects working in the following topics:
- System Architecture (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-01)
- Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAMB-01-02)
- Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01- 03)
- Secure Service development and Smart Security (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-04)
- 6G Holistic System (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-05)
6G-REFERENCE Project Kick-Off
On 29 February 2024, the 6G-REFERENCE project has been launched. The project, 6G Hardware Enablers for Cell Free Coherent Communications and Sensing, envisions a future where urban areas are equipped with sustainable solutions that can cope with the ever-increasing traffic demands and population densification, while providing disruptive capabilities like the materialization of the internet of sense.
6G-REFERENCE is an innovation and research project running for 3 years, until December 2026, funded by the Horizon Europe Program of the European Commission, and part of Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU). The project is a joint collaboration of 10 research and industry partners from 8 European countries.
SuperIOT public presentation released
A public presentation on SUPERIOT is now available from the project website Objectives page. This detailed but approachable summary of the project topics provides a great way to understand the concepts and targets of this ground-breaking project.
Imagine-B5G 2nd Open Call
Imagine-B5G 2nd Open call opened on 31 March 2024. Through its Second Open Call, Imagine-B5G will on-board third parties (e.g., SMEs, industry, and researchers) to collaborate in vertical experiments and platform extensions through pilots and trials in the IMAGINE-B5G platform facilities in Norway, Spain, Portugal, and France.
TrialsNet preliminary results of the Open Call
On 29 February, TrialsNet published the preliminary results of its Open Call. 158 proposals were received, most applicants have been SMEs, applications came from 27 different countries.
6G-SANDBOX in Open CAPIF Research Ecosystem
On 5 March 2024, 6G-Sandbox announced that the project be part of the OpenCAPIF Research Ecosystem by ETSI Software Development Group. This group developing an open-source Common API Frameworks, as described by 3GPP, allowing to expose and consume APIs in a secure and consistent way.
Hexa-X-II Workshops session and slides
Hexa-X-II has published multiple session and slides from past workshops.
- Enablers for 6G system blueprint workshop – Friday 26 January 2024
- The 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II – February 2024
PREDICT-6G “Target Wake Time” Demo
On 26 March 2024, PREDICT-6G presented “Target Wake Time” demo led by Claudio Casetti, Full Professor at Politecnico di Torino and a researcher in the PREDICT-6G consortium.
This demonstration shows the evolution of Wi-Fi networks with the introduction of Target Wake Time (TWT), a feature that transforms the way devices communicate within a network. Traditionally, Wi-Fi networks were based on CSMACA principles, which allowed efficient collision resolution but introduced randomness in channel access and transmission timing. The demonstration delves into how TWT, initially introduced in 802.11 AH and later integrated into Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 AX), addresses these challenges.
Using simulations with 8 strategically spaced stations, the demonstration compares TWT-enabled communication with standard Wi-Fi, highlighting TWT’s deterministic latency and significant energy savings.