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SNS JU Call 3 Projects Introduction Webinars

February 14 - February 17

The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private Partnership that aims to facilitate and develop industrial leadership in Europe in 5G and 6G networks and services. The SNS JU funds projects that shape a solid research and innovation (R&I) roadmap and deployment agenda by engaging a critical mass of European stakeholders and facilitating international cooperation on various 6G initiatives.
In January 2025, the third set of its 6G projects was launched, critical in establishing a solid European research and innovation (R&I) foundation, defining the next-generation networks.
We are now introducing the recently launched projects in two webinars, to give an overview of their activities and ambitions.

First webinar

  • Date: Friday 14 February 2025
  • Time: 10:00 to 12:30 CET

The first of these webinars is planned for Friday 14/02/2025 at 10:00 CET for two hours. This first webinar will present Stream B1 (System Architecture), B2 (Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing), B3 (Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices) and B4 (Reliable Services and Smart Security) projects according to the agenda below.


TimeStreamProject acronymPresenterPresenter Affiliation & project role
10:00WelcomeModeratorKostas Trichias, Alex Kaloxylos6G-IA
10:05Welcome from 6G-IA6G-IAAlex Kaloxylos6G-IA Executive Director
10:10SNS JU opening remarksSNS JU OfficeJavier AlbaresSNS JU , Head of Programmes
10:15Stream B-01 orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeOdysseas PyrovolakisSNS JU, Programme Officer
10:20Stream B-01FLECON-6GChristos VerikoukisISI, Project Coordinator
10:30Stream B-01UNITY-6GEngin ZeydanCTTC, Project Coordinator
10:40Q&A for Stream B-01
10:45Stream B-02 orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeCristina Cullell-MarchSNS JU, Project Officer
10:50Stream B-02MultiXAntonio De la OLIVAUC3M, Project Coordinator
11:00Stream B-026G-LEADERAna Luísa AlvesF6S, Project Coordinator
11:10Q&A for Stream B-02
11:15Stream B-03 orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeMarinos CharalambidesSNS JU, Project Officer
11:20Stream B-03AMBIENT-6GJeroen FamaeyIMEC, Project Coordinator
11:30Stream B-03NexaSphereBabak MafakheriSafran Passenger Innovations, Project Coordinator
11:40Q&A for Stream B-03
11:45Stream B-04 orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeClaudio ScaleseSNS JU, Project Officer
11:50Stream B-04MAREAndreas ZalonisSpace Hellas, Project Coordinator
12:00Stream B-04XTRUST-6GDimitris KavallierosCERTH-ITI, Deputy Coordinator
12:10Q&A for Streams B-04
12:15ConclusionsModeratorKostas Trichias, Alex Kaloxylos6G-IA
12:20End of webinar

Second webinar

  • Date: Monday 17 February 2025
  • Time: 14:00 to 16:00 CET

The second of these webinars is planned for Monday 17/02/2025 at 14:00 CET for two hours. This second webinar will present Stream B5 (International Collaboration – EU-Japan), B6 (International Collaboration – EU – Republic of Korea), B7 (Sustainability Lighthouse), B8 (Reliable AI for 6G), C (SNS Microelectronics Lighthouse) and D (SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots with Verticals) projects according to the agenda below.


TimeStreamProject acronymPresenterPresenter Affiliation & project role
14:00WelcomeModeratorUwe HerzogEurescom, SNS OPS Coordinator
14:05Welcome from 6G-IA6G-IAColin Willcock6G SNS GB Vice-Chair, 6G-IA Chair
14:10SNS JU opening remarksSNS JU OfficePavlos FournogerakisSNS JU, Deputy Head of Programmes
14:15Streams B-05/-06 orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeTambiama MadiegaSNS JU, Project Officer
14:20Stream B-056G-MIRAITobias Ley
14:30Stream B-066GARROWNicolas CassiauCEA-Leti, Deputy of the Coordinator
14:40Q&A for Streams B-05/-06
14:45Streams B-08 and C orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeOana RaduSNS JU, Programme Officer
14:50Stream B-086G-DALIChristos VerikoukisISI, Project Coordinator
15:00Stream C-01X-TREME 6GDidier BelotST, Project Coordinator
15:10Q&A for Streams B-08/C
15:15Streams B-07 and D orientations and expected outcomesSNS JU OfficeChiara MazzoneSNS JU, Programme Officer
15:20Stream B-07SUSTAIN-6GChristoph SchmelzNokia, Project Coordinator
15:30Stream D-016G-VERSUSSanna TuomelaUniv. of Oulu, Project Coordinator
15:40Stream D-01AMAZING-6GAndreas GeorgakopoulosWINGS, Project Coordinator
15:50Q&A for Streams B-07/D
15:55ConclusionsModeratorUwe Herzog6G-IA
16:00End of webinar



    This single registration is for both Call 3 Project Introduction Webinars. In response to your registration you will receive two emails with the access details for each webinar respectively.
    (if you cannot attend both sessions, don't worry, but as most participants want to know about all the projects, this is the most efficient way of organising it.)

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    GDPR STATEMENT: The information collected here will only be used for sending the Webinar access details and for announcing the availability of the event recordings.


    February 14
    February 17
    Event Categories:
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