6th Open Call under the StandICT.eu 2023 initiative
StandICT.eu 2023 “ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe” will build on the success and momentum of the precursor 2018-20 StandICT.eu initiative to advance and create a truly consolidated European Standardisation Ecosystem.
The topics for the StandICT.eu 2023 calls are defined through continuous monitoring and careful analysis of the international ICT standards landscape through liaison with Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and Standard Setting Organisations (SSOs), key organisations such as the EU Multistakeholder Platform For ICT Standardisation, and its prestigious EAG- Expert Advisory Group and EUOS Foresight Committee, as well as industry-led groups, to pinpoint gaps and priorities matching EU DSM objectives.
As the previous calls, this is an opportunity for European experts to request direct funding for their contributions in international ICT Standardisation organisations, work groups and technical committees.
The OC#6 online applications can be submitted until the 7th of February 2022 (17:00 CET). Individual professionals & experts contributing to standardisation in the chosen horizontal ICT fields (cloud computing, IoT, 5G, Cybersecurity and data) or diverse vertical ICT fields (AI, Industry 4.0, eHealth, Quantum technologies etc.) can request up to 10K€ of direct funding and for a max. project duration of 6 months.
Please do not hesitate to share this Open Call within your network and on social media!
More information & Applications: www.standict.eu/standicteu-2023-6th-open-call
Twitter: @Stand_ICT
LinkedIn: company/standict-eu/