SNS ICE / GUIDE: Automotive, Transport & Logistics Solutions Webinar

Online Event WEBINAR

Outline: The EU has set forth a clear and ambitious action plan to enable Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) across Europe and especially across the designated Pan-European Transport Corridors, with 5G and B5G/6G technologies acting as the main connectivity technology. To enable this plan, a comprehensive roadmap of Research and Innovation (R&I) and Deployment activities […]

FIDAL Webinar “Advancing Public Protection and Disaster Relief: Innovation Examples from the SNS Community” – 21 November

The project FIDAL is hosting a webinar next week  Thursday 21st November, 10h00-12h30 CET that will look at  Advancing Public Protection and Disaster Relief: Innovation Examples from the SNS Community. Fellow projects from the SNS Community 5G-STARDUST, 6G-NTN, IMAGINE B-5G, ROGOUROUS, ISEE-6G will join the event to present different typologies of PPDR technologies that are […]


Online Event WEBINAR

How Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) could improve cooperation with technology providers? Instigated by the SNS ICE project and SCoDIHNet (The Smart Connectivity Digital Innovation Hub Network), this webinar has the objective to facilitate cooperation between Technology providers (SNS JU members) and DIHs in order to accelerate the uptake of results between R&I and end users. […]

6G Evolution Summit, 3&4 December 2024 (Free Virtual Event)

6G Evolution Summit that will take place on December 3-4, 2024 as a Free Virtual Event. Event Agenda This conference agenda spans four sessions focusing on the development, technical challenges, and sustainability goals associated with 6G technology. Full agenda: Session 1 on December 3, titled "Defining the 6G Future," explores upcoming use cases, current […]

FIDAL Workshop @PSCE Conference on 5th December (Brussels)

FIDAL Project will hold a PPDR Workshop at the upcoming PSCE Conference on 5th December (Brussels) The workshop will gather, for the first time,  FIDAL partners and winners of the first round of Open Calls who will intervene to present some examples of PPDR solutions currently being explored in the project and that are leveraging […]

6GArch – 4th International Workshop on 6G Architecture

Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

WS-29: Workshop on 6G Architecture (6GArch) 10th edition combined with 5GArch Workshop Series In conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 December 2024, This workshop is organised by the SNS JU 6G Architecture work group.   Objectives - Call for Papers - Important Dates - Submit a Paper - Workshop Organisers/Committee […]

UK’s 6G Achievements and Experimental Platforms

First webinar of the SNS CSA CO-OP Series organised by the 6G-IA   ABOUT The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is at the forefront of driving innovation in next-generation communication technologies and services across Europe. At the same time, various national initiatives in Europe are actively advancing 6G technologies and smart services. The SNS […]

5th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing

January 28 - 30, 2025 In Finland & Streaming Worldwide More information: The integration of communication and radio sensing in the same spectrum is likely to be one of the key features in B5G wireless systems. A joint design of both services will improve the efficiency of spectrum usage, and will offer the opportunity […]

SNS JU Call 3 Projects Introduction Webinars

The European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is a Public-Private Partnership that aims to facilitate and develop industrial leadership in Europe in 5G and 6G networks and services. The SNS JU funds projects that shape a solid research and innovation (R&I) roadmap and deployment agenda by engaging a critical mass of European […]

Join SNS JU at MWC25 – Explore the Future of Connectivity

The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) invites you to our exclusive session titled: “Digital Infrastructure of the Future: Shaping Europe’s Competitive Edge”  at the Mobile World Congress 2025 in Barcelona on Monday 3 March, at 9:00 am. This dynamic discussion will delve into the evolution of digital infrastructure from a transmission-centric paradigm towards […]

Horizon Implementation Day: Finding opportunities and submitting a proposal in Horizon Europe

The European Commission is organising the online event "Horizon Implementation Day: Finding Opportunities and Submitting a Proposal in Horizon Europe" on 13 March 2025. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of Horizon Europe, including searching for calls, finding partners, and understanding the proposal submission and evaluation process. Draft Agenda 09:30 - Welcome and Agenda […]

SNS ICE webinar on the White Paper on “AI/ML as a KEY ENABLER of 6G NETWORKS”

The SNS ICE project is pleased to invite you to an insightful online webinar on the published white paper from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) Technology Board (TB). This white paper highlights the critical role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as key enablers of 6G networks. Webinar Details: […]

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