The governance bodies of the SNS Joint Undertaking are:
Governing Board

The Governing Board is composed of representatives of the public and private members. It is responsible for the Joint Undertaking’s decision-making, including the preparation of the work programmes and funding decisions related to the research and innovation activities under Horizon Europe.
The Governing Board also provides strategic guidance and contributes to the work programmes of other EU programmes that are implementing activities in the area of smart networks and services, such as CEF 2 Digital, DEP and InvestEU. It adopts the SDAs for pan-European 5G corridors for connected and automated mobility.
States Representatives Group (SRG)

The States Representatives Group provides guidance on all strategic issues as well as all relevant activities of the partnership.
In particular, it provides guidance for R&I under Horizon Europe and for deployment activities under CEF2 Digital or other EU programmes.
It is composed of representatives of each Member State and Associated Country.
Executive Director

The Executive Director is the legal representative of the SNS Joint Undertaking. She is the chief executive responsible for the day-to-day management of the Joint Undertaking in accordance with the decisions of the Governing Board.
Currently, the Executive Director of the SNS Joint Undertaking is Erzsébet Fitori.
Stakeholders Group

The stakeholders’ group is one of the four bodies constituting the governance structure of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, together with a) the Governing Board, b) the Executive Director and c) the States’ Representatives Group.
The stakeholders’ group is open to relevant public and private stakeholders, including organised groups, active in the field of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, international interest groups from Member States, associated countries or other countries.
The following organisations have been invited to join the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking stakeholders group: NetWorld Europe, AIOTI, NESSI, PSCE, 5GAA, 5GACIA, ETSI, ECSO, AENEAS, Photonics 21.
The stakeholders’ group is regularly informed on the activities of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking and, if relevant, will be invited to provide comments on the joint undertaking’s planned initiatives. It can also be consulted on specific questions.
If you are interested in joining the stakeholders’ group, please submit your application to