The SNS R&I WP for 2024 has been distributed at the official opening of the 2024 call will took place on 16.01.24. The submission deadline in 2024 will be the 18.04.24 at 17:00 (Brussels local time).
An SNS JU Brokerage Event was planned to allow any organisation in the wider SNS JU community to present their organisation profile and/or interests to their peers – as a introduction for possible future collaboration(s). It was held on 25.01.24 from 10:00 to 15:00.
Each speaker had 5’ to make their presentation. The final programme is listed below and the presentations are linked viat he presenters name.
To further assist stakeholders to form competitive proposal consortia, the SNS JU Brokerage Platform is also available. In this platform, any organisation can post its expertise or proposal ideas, and of course all can browse the information posted by other stakeholders.
Session A: Wireless communication and Signal Processing
Moderator: Odysseas Pyrovolakis, SNS JU Office
Time (CET) | ## | Presenter | Organization |
PART 1 | Recording | ||
10.00 | Welcome & Intro | Kostas Trichias / Uwe Herzog | 6G-IA SNS-OPS |
10.05 | SNS JU opening | Pavlos Fournogerakis | SNS JU Office |
10.10 | A1 | Ari Alastalo | VTT |
10.15 | A2 | Matthias Schneider | IMST GmbH |
10.20 | A3 | Efstathios Katranaras | Sequans |
10.25 | A4 | Gil Kedar | Ceragon |
10.30 | A5 | Ibrahim Hokelek | TUBITAK BILGEM |
10.35 | A6 | Manuel Fuentes | Fivecomm |
10.40 | A7 | Markus Werner | aeroLiFi GmbH |
10.45 | A8 | Agapi Mesodiakaki | Aristotle University |
10.50 | A9 | Mika Rantakokko | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |
11.00 | A11 | Amit Raj | UBiqube (Cross-topic) |
11.05 | A12 | MD Munjure Mowla | IS-Wireless (Cross-topic) |
11.10 | A13 | Martin Johnsson | Trinity College Dublin (Cross-topic) |
11.15 | A14 | Sohaib Solaija | Gebze Technical University (Cross-topic) |
11.20 | BREAK 5" |
Session B: Communication Infrastructure, Technologies and Devices
Moderator: Claudio Scalese, SNS JU Office
Time (CET) | ## | Presenter | Organization |
PART 2 | Recording | ||
11.30 | B2 | Atakan Eski | PNETWORKS |
11.35 | B4 | George Suciu | BEIA |
11.40 | B5 | Kobi Mizrahi | RunEL NGMT Ltd |
11.45 | B6 | Julien EL AMINE | IRT Saint Exupéry |
11.50 | B7 | Zaid Abdullah/Konstantinos Ntontin | SnT, University of Luxembourg |
11.55 | B8 | Harilaos Koumaras | NCSR DEMOKRITOS |
12.00 | B9 | Pedro Ruiz | Integrasys SA |
12.05 | B10 | Pieter Becue | IDLab - imec - UGent |
12.10 | B11 | Pooria Varahram | Benetel |
12.15 | B12 | Sylvie Mayrargue | CEA |
12.20 | B13 | Timothy O'Farrell | University of Sheffield |
12.25 | B14 | Youssef Nasser/Ahmed Shokair | Greenerwave |
12.30 | BREAK 5" |
Session C: Reliable AI for 6G Communication System and Services
& Reliable Services and Smart Security
Moderator: Marinos Charalambides, SNS JU Office
Time (CET) | ## | Presenter | Organization |
PART 3 | Recording | ||
12.35 | C1 | Alfonso Carrillo Aspiazu | OpenNebula Systems S.L. |
12.40 | C2 | Andreas Mitschele-Thiel | AiVader GmbH |
12.45 | C3 | Elena Politi | Harokopio Univeristy |
12.50 | C4 | Rasoul Nikbakht Silab | CTTC |
12.55 | C5 | Udayanto Dwi Atmojo | Aalto University |
13.00 | C6 | Yudani Riobó | Quobis Networks SL |
13.05 | C7 | Charalampos Rotsos | Lancaster University |
13.10 | C8 | Erik Hieta-aho | VTT, Research Centre of Finland |
13.15 | C9 | Antonios Lalas | CERTH/ITI |
13.20 | C10 | Mattia Fogli | University of Ferrara |
13.25 | BREAK 10" |
Session D: System Architecture, Sustainability & Large Scale Trials
Moderator: Oana Radu, SNS JU Office
Time (CET) | ## | Presenter | Organization |
PART 4 | Recording | ||
13.35 | D1 | Alexandre Petrescu | CEA |
13.40 | D2 | Kostas Katsaros | Digital Catapult |
13.45 | D3 | Laurent Frouin | Canon Research Centre France SAS |
13.50 | D6 | Hassan Osman | Configuration Manager, Real Wireless |
13.55 | D7 | Manolis Tsantakis | ena |
14.00 | D8 | Raul Parada Medina | CTTC |
14.05 | D9 | Aitor Arriola | Ikerlan |
14.10 | D11 | Tina Liao | ITRI |
14.15 | D12 | Hakima CHAOUCHI | INSTITUT MINES TELÉCOM (New Presentation) |
14.15 | D13 | Alex Galis | UCL (New Presentation) |
14.20 | End of Event |